I love working with students, teaching and doing research. I also like to play sports to the best extent possible. Here are other activities I was a part of. I served as the PI for NSF CRCD project and developed a series of on-line course on particle transport, deposition and removal, developed an efficient computational model for Brownian diffusion of particles in laminar and turbulent flows which is now being used in Ansys-FLUENT commercial code and contributed to the development of practical method for dilute two-phase flow analysis. The approach is being used to improve operation and design of engineering systems in several companies.
Education Background
Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. - Purdue University
Hydraulic Engineering M.S. - Purdue University
Civil Engineering B.S. - Tehran University
Teaching Interests
- ME326 - Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
- ME437 - Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal I
- ME527 - Advanced Fluid Mechanics
- ME529 - Stochastic Processes in Engineering
- ME537 - Fluid Mechanics of Aerosols
- ME637 - Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal II
- ME639 - Advanced Turbulence
Research Interests
Dr. Ahmadi is currently working on EPA, DOE and NASA-funded projects for developing a new technique for modeling pollutant transport, dispersion and turbulent flows of dense and dilute, solid-gas or liquid mixtures with application to coal transport and processing, spray formation, and hot-gas filtration. Other projects are to analyze aerosol particles transport, deposition and removal in turbulent flows with application to micro-contamination control in microelectronic, xerographic and glass industries. These research projects were funded by IBM, GE, Xerox, Corning, and New York State Science and Technology Foundation (CAMP). Dr. Ahmadi has also been involved in developing schemes for active and passive vibration control of space structures during the lift off and in orbit, in addition to separation control of flapped airfoils, active control of turbulence flows, as well as subsurface flows. These research activities were funded by AFOSR, DOE, NSF and NASA. A related project is the base isolation of buildings in seismic regions for their protection against earthquakes.
Current research interests include the following: Evaluation of particle transport and deposition in microelectronic manufacturing and xerographic environment; in a related project, removal and re-suspension of particles and elongated fibers from smooth and rough surfaces in turbulent air flows are being studied; a major effort is also underway to quantify particle transport and deposition processes in coal energy systems, this project also includes developing physically sound models for dense and dilute two-phase and granular (particulate) flows; in a related project, the formation of fuel spray for application in racket engines is being studied; effective techniques for vibration control of various structures are being developed; in an earlier project, passive control of structures under earthquake excitations was studied, and new frictional systems for damping the structural vibrations was developed; in a related project, vibration control of aero space structures, including Space Shuttle during lift-off and on orbit, as well as avionic equipment, are being studied.
Professor Ahmadi has authored more than 600 papers in journals, in addition to three books and more 1100 papers in national and international conference proceedings. He has also given more than 160 keynote lectures and invited seminars worldwide. He is on the editorial advisory board of thirteen technical journals and is a fellow of ASME, ISME and ISCE. He was also a Senior Research Associate at National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL). More information can be found on his research Web site.
- “Fluid Engineering 90th Anniversary Medal,” ASME (2016)
- “Freeman Scholar Award,” ASME (2016)
- “Inducted into Phalanx, Clarkson's highest Honorary Society,” Clarkson University (2015)
- “Lifetime Research Achievement Award,” Clarkson University (2015)
- “Membership to Five Million Dollar Club” Clarkson University (2006)
- “Omar Khyam Plaque of Honor” Scientia, Iranica, Sharif University (2006)
- "Robert R. Hill ’48 Professor of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering" (2002)
- "University Outstanding Advisor Award," Clarkson University (2002).
- "First Clarkson Distinguished Professor" (2001)
- "Powder Technology of Japan Award," Tsukuba, Japan (1991)
- "Pi Tau Sigma Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award," Clarkson University (1990).
- "University Outstanding Advisor Award," Clarkson University (1988).
- "University Distinguished Teaching Award," Clarkson University (1988).
- "Pi Tau Sigma Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award," Clarkson University (1988).
- "University Outstanding Advisor Award," Clarkson University (1986).
- "Pi Tau Sigma Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award," Clarkson University (1986).
- "Pi Tau Sigma Distinguished Faculty Award," Clarkson University (1984).
- “Characterization of Particle Interaction with Non-Ideal Surfaces: Role of Particle Properties, Surface Roughness, and Humidity,” DRTA, $950,000, (2014-2019), Co-PI with Dhaniyala and Ferro.
- “GE Projects for Advanced Materials and Surface,” GE, $2,660,000, (2013-2018).
- “GOALI: Mapping of Charge Distribution on a Non-uniformly Changed Toner Particle for Determining Fundamental Contributors of Adhesion Force,” NSF, $300,000, (2011-2016), Co-PI with Cetinkaya and Ding.
- “Smart Responsive Nanocomposites- for Soldier Protection,” ARO, $230,326 (2009-20012) Co-PI with Cetinkaya, Aidun, Cheng, Jha, Marzocca, Moosbrugger.
- “Investigation of Electrostatic Forces Caused by Walking on Floor and its Effect of Particle Resuspension in an Indoor Environment,” EPA, through CoE Syracuse University, CARTI, $100,000 (2009-2011) Co-PI with A. Ferro.
- “Advancement of Intelligent Aerospace Systems,” AFOSR, $1,741,500 (2009-2012). (Co-PIs, Jha, Marzocca, McLaughlin, Helenbrook, Bollt, Visser, Bohl.)
- “Hybrid Projectile UAV,” ARDEC/IMPERIAL, $120,000, (2008-2011), Co-PI, Marzocca, Jha
- Aeroelastic Wind Energy Converter, Iranian Patent No. 20923 (1979) (G. Ahmadi).
- Methods for Cleaning Surfaces Substantially Free of Contaminants, US Patent 6,530,823 B1 (2003) (G. Ahmadi, P.E. Lewis, A.G. Tannous, K. Makhamreh and K.H. Compton).
- Apparatus for Cleaning Surfaces Substantially Free of Contaminants, US Patent 6,543,462 B1 (2003) (P.E. Lewis, G. Ahmadi, A.G. Tannous, K. Makhamreh and K.H. Compton).
- Methods for Cleaning Surfaces Substantially Free of Contaminants Utilizing Filtered Carbon Dioxide, US Patent 6,719,613 (2004) (G. Ahmadi, P.E. Lewis, A.G. Tannous, K. Makhamreh and K.H. Compton).
- Methods for Cleaning Utilizing Multi-Stage Filtered Carbon Dioxide, US Patent 6,945,853 B2 and (2005) (G. Ahmadi, P.E. Lewis, A.G. Tannous, K. Makhamreh).
- A. Razani and G. Ahmadi, Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Science,", Vol. 1, Shiraz University Press No. 87 (1977)
- G. Ahmadi and A. Razani, "Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Science,", Vol 2, Shiraz University Press No 90 (1977)
- J.Y.Tu, K Inthavong, and G. Ahmadi, "Computational Fluid and Particle Dynamics in the Human Respiratory System," Springer, New York (2013. ISBN 978-94-007-4487-5, ISBN 978-94-007-4488-2 (E-Book). Http://
Journal Papers
- Hosseini, S.H., Rezaei, M.J., Bag-Mohammadi, M., Zendehboudi, A., and Ahmadi, G., Prediction of Frost Layer over Flat Plates under Natural and Forced Convection Conditions Using Intelligent and Least-Square Fitting Approaches, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 148, pp. 33-42 (2019).
- Nikookara, H., Abouali, O., Eghtesad, M., Sadrizadeh, S., and Ahmadi, G., Enhancing Drug Delivery to Human Trachea Through Oral Airway Using Magnetophoretic Steering of Microsphere Carriers Composed of Aggregated Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles and Nanomedicine: A Numerical Study, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 127, pp. 63-92 (2019).
- Schmidt, D.J., Kvasnak, W., and Ahmadi, G. and A Model for Fuel Spray Formation with Atomizing Air, Fluids, Vol., pp. (2019).
- Mashayekhii, M., Estekanchi, H.E., Vafai, H. and Ahmadi, G., An Evolutionary Optimization Based Approach for Simulation of Endurance Time Load Functions, Engineering Optimization, (2019). .
- Zarnaghsh, A. Abouali, O., Emdad, H., and Ahmadi, G., A Numerical Study of the Train-Induced Unsteady Airflow in a Tunnel and its Effects on the Performance of Jet Fans. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Vol. 187, pp. 1-14 (2019).
- Mahian, O., Kolsi, L., Amani, M., Estelle, P., Ahmadi, G., Kleinstreuer, C., Marshall, J.S., Siavashi, M., Taylor, R.A., Niazmand, H., Wongwises, S., Hayat, T., Kolanjiyil, A., Kasaeian, A. and Pop, I., Recent Advances in Modeling and Simulation of Nanofluid Flows-Part I: Fundamental and Theory, Physics Reports, Vol. 790, pp. 1-48 (2019). - Mahian, O., Kolsi, L., Amani, M., Estelle, P., Ahmadi, G., Kleinstreuer, C., Marshall, J.S., Taylor, R.A., Abu-Nada, E., Rashidi, S., Niazmand, H., Wongwises, S., Hayat, T., Kasaeian, A. and Pop, I., Recent Advances in Modeling and Simulation of Nanofluid Flows-Part II: Applications, Physics Reports, Vol. 791, pp. 1-59 (2019).
- Sadri, R., Hosseini, M., Kazi, S.N., Bagheri, S., Abdelrazek, A.H., Ahmadi, G., Zubir, N., Ahmad, R., and Abidin, N.I.Z., A Facile, Bio-Based, Novel Approach for Synthesis of Covalently Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet Nano-Coolants toward Improved Thermo-Physical and Heat Transfer Properties, Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 509 , pp. 140-152 (2018).
- Shanley, K.T., Ahmadi, G., Hopke, P.K., and Cheng, Y-S., Simulated Airflow and Rigid Fiber Behavior in A Realistic Nasal Airway Model, Particulate Science and Technology, Vol. 36, pp. 131-140 (2018).
- Dalton, L.E., Crandall, D., Shanley, K., Gill, M., Rosenbaum, E., Moore, J., Ahmadi, G., Kutchko, B. and Chipkin, J., Foamed Cement Generation Methods: Insights from Macro-Porosity and Void Distribution, ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 115, pp. (2018). doi: 10.14359/51701101.
- Bidabadia, M., Vahabzadeh Bozorga, M., Bordbar, V. and Ahmadi, G., Flame Propagation through Heterogeneous Combustion of Hybrid Aluminum-Boron Poly-disperse Particle Suspensions in Air, Fuel, Vol. 215 , pp. 714-725 (2018).
- Jiang, Y., Lu, L., Ferro, A.R., and Ahmadi, G., Analyzing Wind Cleaning Process on The Accumulated Dust on Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Modules on Flat Surfaces, Solar Energy, Vol. 159, pp. 1031-1036 (2018).
- Afra, B., Nazari, M., Keyhani, M.S., Amiri Delouei, A., and Ahmadi, G., An Immersed Boundary-Lattice Boltzmann Method Combined With a Robust Lattice Spring Model for Solving Flow–Structure Interaction Problems, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 55, pp. 502-521 (2018).
- Parvaz, F., Hosseini, S.H., Elsayed, K., and Ahmadi, G., Numerical investigation of effects of inner cone on flow field, performance and erosion rate of cyclone separators, Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 201, pp. 223-237 (2018).
- Amani, P., Amani, M., Ahmadi, G., Mahian, O., and Wongwises, S., A Critical Review on the Use of Nanoparticles in Liquid–Liquid Extraction, Separation and Purification Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 183, pp. 148-176 (2018).
- Mogimi, M.A., and Ahmadi, G., Wind Barriers Optimization for Minimizing Collector Mirror Soiling in a Parabolic Trough Collector Plant, Applied Energy, Vol. 225, pp. 413-423 (2018).
- Pirhadi, M., Sajadi, B., Ahmadi, G., and Malekian, D., Phase Change and Deposition of Inhaled Droplets in The Human Nasal Cavity under Cyclic Inspiratory Airflow, Vol. 118, pp. 64-81 (2018).
- Talebizadeh Sardari, P., Rahimzadeh, H., Ahmadi, G., and Giddings, D., Nano-particle Deposition in the Presence of Electric Field, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 126, pp. 169-179 (2018).
- Setarehshenas, N., Hosseini, S.H., and Ahmadi, G., Optimization and Kinetic Model Development for Photocatalytic Dye Degradation, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 43, pp. 5785–5797 (2018).
- Mofakham, A.A., Stadelman, M., Ahmadi, G., Shanley, K.T., and Crandall, D., Computational Modeling of Hydraulic Properties of a Sheared Single Rock Fracture, Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 124, pp. 1-30 (2018).
- Barati, R., Salehi Neyshabouri, S.A.A., and Ahmadi, G., Issues in Eulerian–Lagrangian Modeling of Sediment Transport under Saltation Regime, International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol. 33. pp. 441–461 (2018).
- Rasteh, M., Farhadi, F. and Ahmadi, G., Empirical Models for Minimum Fluidization Velocity of Particles with Different Size Distribution in Tapered Fluidized Beds, Powder Technology, Vol. 338, pp. 563-575 (2018).
- Yang, S., Zhang, X., Wang, B., Huang, H., Zhao, Z., Wang, X., Yu, K. and Ahmadi, G., A Practical Low-Cost Approach to Build Membrane Electrode Assemblies Using Decal Transfer Technique, Energy Procedia, Vol. 145, pp. 458-463 (2018).
- Konea, J.P., Zhang, X., Yan,Y., Hud, G. and Ahmadi, G., CFD Modeling and Simulation of PEM Fuel Cell Using OpenFOAM, Energy Procedia, Vol. 145, pp. 64-69 (2018).
- Rad Sadri, Mallah, A.R., Hosseini, A.R., Ahmadi, G., S.N. Kazi, Dabbagh, A., Yeong, C.H., Ahmad, R, and Yaakup, N.A., A Facile, Bio-Based, CFD Modeling of Turbulent Convection Heat Transfer of Nanofluids Containing Green Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelets Flowing in A Horizontal Tube: Comparison with Experimental Data, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol. 269 , pp. 152-159 (2018).
- Moghimia,M.A.,and Ahmadi, G., Wind Barriers Optimization for Minimizing Collector Mirror Soiling in a Parabolic Trough Collector Plant, Applied Energy, Vol. 225, pp. 413-423 (2018).
- Malekian, D., Sajadi, B., Ahmadi, G. and Pirhadi, M., A Numerical Study of Electric Force Effects on Detachment and Deposition of Particles Due To a Falling Disk, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 124, pp. 133-145 (2018)., A., Naraghi, M., Ahmadi, G., Soleymaniha, M., and Shanbedi, M., A Review on Liquid-Phase Exfoliation for Scalable Production of Pure Graphene, Wrinkled, Crumpled and Functionalized Graphene and Challenges, FlatChem, Vol. 6, pp. 40-71 (2018).
- Haghighifard, H.R., Tavakol, M.M. and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Study of Fluid Flow and Particle Dispersion and Deposition Around Two Inline Buildings, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 179, pp. 385–406 (2018).
- Sajjadi, H., Salmanzadeh, M., Ahmadi, G., and Jafari, S., Investigation of Particle Deposition and Dispersion Using Hybrid LES/RANS Model Based On Lattice Boltzmann Method, Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 25, pp. 3173-3182 (2018).
- Farokhipor, A., Mansoori, Z, Saffar-Avval, M., and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Modeling of Sand Particle Erosion in Return Bends in Gas-Particle Two-Phase Flow, Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 25, pp. 3231-3242 (2018).
- Rasouliana, M.A., Rasteh, A., Farokhipor, A., Mansoori, Z, Saffar-Avval, M., Haj, A. and Ahmadi, G., Numerical 3D Simulation of Developing Turbulent Stratified Gas-Liquid Flow in Curved Pipes Consisting of Entrained Particles through This Type of Flow, Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 25, pp. 3243-3257 (2018).
- Soroushian, A., Ahmadi, G., and Amiri, S., A Class of Synchronized Nonlinear Two-DOF Systems with Closed Form Solution, Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 25, pp. 3258-3273 (2018).
- Zhang, X. and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Simulations on Gas-Liquid-Particle Flows in Three-Phase Slurry Reactors under Gravity Variation, Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 25, pp. 3197-3209 (2018).
- Afra, B., Nazari, M., Keyhani, M.S., and Ahmadi, G., Direct Numerical Simulation of Freely Falling Particles by Hybrid Immersed Boundary - Lattice Boltzmann- Discrete Element Method, Particulate Science and Technology, (2018).
- Keshavarz, S.A., Salmanzadeh, M., and Ahmadi, G., Computational Modeling of Time Resolved Exposure Level Analysis of a Heated Breathing Manikin with Rotation in a Room, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 103, pp. 117–131 (2017).
- Amiri Delouei, A., Nazari, M., Keyhani, M.S., and Ahmadi, G., Direct-Forcing Immersed Boundary – Non-Newtonian Lattice Boltzmann Method for Transient Non-Isothermal Sedimentation, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 104, pp. 106-122 (2017).
- Rastegar, V., Ahmadi, G., and Babu, S.V., Filtration of Aqueous Colloidal Ceria Slurries Using Fibrous Filters – An Experimental and Simulation Study, Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 176, pp. 231-242 (2017).
- Amouei Torkmahalleh, M., Askari, M., Gorjinezhad, S., Erog˘lu, D., Obaidullah, M., Rajab Habib, A., Godelek, S., Kadyrov, S., Kahraman, O., Zare Pakzad, N., and Ahmadi, G., Key Factors Impacting Performance of a Salinity Gradient Solar Pond Exposed to Mediterranean Climate, Solar Energy, Vol. 142, pp. 321-329 (2017).
- Tian, L., Ahmadi, G., and Tu, J., Mobility of Nanofiber, Nanorod, and Straight-Chain Nanoparticles in Gases, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol., 51 pp. 578-601 (2017). - Sajjadi, H., Salmanzadeh, M., Ahmadi, G., and Jafari, S., Lattice Boltzmann Method and RANS Approach for Simulation of Turbulent Flows and Particle Transport and Deposition, Particuology, Vol. 30, pp. 62-72 (2017).
- Sadri, R., Zangeneh Kamali, K., Hosseini, M., Zubir, N., Kazi, S.N., Ahmadi, G., Dahari, M., Huang, N.M. and Golsheikh, A.M., Experimental Study on Thermo-Physical and Rheological Properties of Stable and Green Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanofluids: Hydrothermal Assisted Technique, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Vol. 38, pp. 1302-1310 (2017). - Kone, J-P., Zhang, X., Yan, Y., Hu, G. and Ahmadi, G., Three-dimensional Multiphase Flow Computational Fluid Dynamics Models for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell: A Theoretical Development, Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, Vol. 9, pp. 3-25 (2017). DOI: 10.1177/1757482X17692341.
- Kesavan, J., Humphreys, P., Nasr, B., Ahmadi, G., Knox, C.K., Valdes, E., Rastogi, V. and Dhaniyala, S., Experimental and Computational Study of Reaerosolization of 1 to 5 μm PSL Microspheres Using Jet Impingement, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 51, pp. 377-387 (2017). - Amiri, A., Shanbedi, M., Ahmadi, G., and Rozali, S., Transformer Oils-Based Graphene Quantum Dots Nanofluid as a New Generation of Highly Conductive and Stable Coolant, International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 83, pp. 40-47 (2017).
- Bayatpour, D., Abouali, O., Ghaffarieh, A., and Ahmadi, G., In Silico Investigation of Cornea Deformation during Irrigation/Aspiration in Phacoemulsification in Cataract Surgery, Medical Engineering and Physics, Vol. 43, pp. 77-85 (2017).
- Nasirei, A., Abouali, O., and Ahmadi, G., Effect of Turbulent Thermal Plume on Aspiration Efficiency of Micro-Particles, Building and Environment, Vol. 118, pp. 159-172 (2017).
- Sadri, R., Hosseini, M., Kazi, S.N., Bagheri, S., Zubir, N., Ahmadi, G., Dahari, M., and Zaharinie, T., A Novel, Eco-Friendly Technique for Covalent Functionalization of Graphene Nanoplatelets and the Potential of their Nanofluids for Heat Transfer Applications, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 675, pp. 92-97 (2017).
- Sajjadi, H., Salmanzadeh, M., Ahmadi, G., and Jafari, S., Turbulent Indoor Airflow Simulation Using Hybrid LES/RANS Model Utilizing Lattice Boltzmann Method, Computers and Fluid, Vol. 150, pp. 66-73 (2017).
- Kiani, M., Rahimi, M.R., Hosseini, S.H., and Ahmadi, G., Mixing and Segregation of Solid Particles in a Conical Spouted Bed: Effect of Particle Size and Density, Particuology. Vol. 32, pp. 132-140, (2017).
- Parvaz, F., Hosseini, S.H., Ahmadi, G., and Elsayed, K., Impacts of the Vortex Finder Eccentricity on the Flow Pattern and Performance of a Gas Cyclone, Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 178, pp. 1-13, (2017).
- Tavakol, M.M., Ghahramani, E., Abouali, O., Yaghoubi, M. and Ahmadi, G., Deposition Fraction of Ellipsoidal Fibers in a Model of Human Nasal Cavity for Laminar and Turbulent Flows, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 113, pp. 52-70 (2017).
- Sadri, R., Hosseini, M., Kazi, S.N., Bagheri, S., Ahmed, S.M., Ahmadi, G., Zubir, N., Sayuti, M., and Dahari, M., Study of Environmentally Friendly and Facile Functionalization of Graphene Nanoplatelet and Its Application in Convective Heat Transfer, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 150, pp. 26-36 (2017).
- Mahmoodi, B., Hosseini, S.H., Ahmadi, G., and Raj, A., CFD Simulation of Reactor Furnace of Sulfur Recovery Units by Considering Gas Acid, Applied Thermal Sciences, Vol. 123 pp. 699-710, (2017).
- Naseri. A., Abouali, O. and Ahmadi, G., Effect of Turbulent Thermal Plume on Aspiration Efficiency of Microparticles, Building and Environment, Vol. 118, pp. 159-172 (2017).
- Shah, D., Aldamzharov, B., Bukayeva, A., Amouei Torkmahalleh, M. and Ahmadi, G., Intermolecular Interactions and its Effect within Cr3+-Containing Atmospheric Particulate Matter Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 166, pp. 334-339 (2017).
- Naseri. A., Shaghaghian, S., Abouali, O. and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Investigation of Transient Transport and Deposition of Microparticles under Unsteady Inspiratory Flow in Human Upper Airways, Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, Vol. 244, pp. 56-72 (2017).
- Ghahramani, E., Abouali, O., Emdad, H. and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Airflow and Microparticle Deposition in a Realistic Model of Human Upper Airway Using LES, Computer and Fluids, Vol. 157, pp. 43-54 (2017).
- Motie Shirazi, M., Abouali, O., Emdad, H., Navabizadeh, M. and Ahmadi, G., Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Irrigant Penetration into Dentinal Microtubules, Computer in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 89, pp. 1-17 (2017).
- Obied, S., Jha, R., and Ahmadi, G., RANS Simulations of Aerodynamic Performance of NACA 0015 Flapped Airfoil, Fluids, Vol. 2, pp. 1-27 (2017), doi:10.3390/fluids2010002.
- Rastegar, V., Ahmadi, G., and Babu, S.V., Effect of Flow Velocity on Fiber Efficiency and Particle Residence Time during Filtration of Aqueous Dispersions - An Experimental and Simulation Study, Particulate Science and Technology, Vol., pp. 1-10 (2017),
- Talebizadeh, P., Rahimzadeh, H., Ahmadi, G., Brown, R, and Inthavong, K., Numerical Investigation of Nano-Particle Dispersion and Deposition in Fully Developed Laminar Pipe Flows, AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 11-20 (2017).
- Mirbod, P., Wu, Z., and Ahmadi, G., Laminar Flow Drag Reduction on Soft Porous Media, Scientific Report, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-17141-3 (2017).
- Daemi, N., S. Henning, Gibert, J., Yuya, P., and Ahmadi, G., On Generalized Rolling of Golf Balls Considering an Offset Center of Mass and Rolling Resistance: A Study of Putting, Sports Eng. (ISEA), Vol 19, pp 35-46 (2016) DOI 10.1007/s12283-015-0186-2.
- Amiri Delouei, A., Nazari, M., Keyhani, M.S., and Ahmadi, G., A Non-Newtonian Direct Numerical Study for Stationary and Moving Objects with Various Shapes: An Immersed Boundary-Lattice Boltzmann Approach, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 93, pp. 45-62 (2016).
- Ahmadi, M.A., Hasanvand, M.Z., Shokrollahzadeh Behbahani, S., Nourmohammad, A., Vahidi, A., Amiri, M., and Ahmadi, G., Effect of Operational Parameters on the Performance of Carbonated Water Injection: Experimental and Numerical Modeling Study, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Vol. 107, pp. 542-548 (2016).
- Tian, L. and Ahmadi, G., Transport and Deposition of Nano-Fibers in Human Upper Tracheobronchial Airways, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 91, pp. 22-32 (2016).
- Goodarzi-Ardakani, V., Taeibi-Rahni, M., Salimi, M.R., and Ahmadi, G. Computational Simulation of Temperature and Velocity Distribution, Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, Vol 223, pp. 49-58 (2016).
- Rashid, S., Bovand, M., Esfahani, J.A., and Ahmadi, G., Discrete Particles Model for Al2O3–Water Nanofluid around a Triangular Obstacle, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol 100, pp. 39-54 (2016).
- Sayyah, A., Horenstein, M.N., Mazumder, M.K., and Ahmadi, G., Electrostatic Force Distribution on an Electrodynamic Screen, J. Electrostatics, Vol. 81, pp. 24-36 (2016).
- Sajjadi, H., Tavakoli, B., Ahmadi, G., Dhaniyala, S., Harner, T., and Holsen, T.M., Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation of a Newly Designed Passive Particle Sampler, Environmental Pollution, Vol. 214, pp. 410-418 (2016).
- Rahiminejad, M., Haghighi, A. Dastan, A., Abouali, O., Farid, M., and Ahmadi, G., Computer Simulations of Pressure and Velocity Fields in a Human Upper Airway during Sneezing, Computer in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 71, pp. 115-127 (2016).
- Hosseini, S.H., Fattahi, M., and Ahmadi, G., CFD Study of Hydrodynamic and Heat Transfer in a 2D Spouted Bed: Assessment of Radial Distribution Function, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Vol. 58, pp. 107-116 (2016).
- Sajjadi, H., Salmanzadeh, M., Ahmadi, G., and Jafari, S., Simulations of Indoor Airflow and Particle Dispersion and Deposition by the Lattice Boltzmann Method Using LES and RANS Approaches, Building and Environment, Vol. 102, pp. 1-12 (2016).
- Safaei, M.R., Ahmadi, G., Goodarzi, M.S., Safdari Shadloo, S., Goshayeshi, H.R., and Dahari, M., Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Fully Developed Turbulent Flows of Graphene Nanoplatelets–Silver/Water Nanofluids, Fluids, Vol. 1, 20, doi: 10.3390/fluids1030020, pp. 1-12 (2016).
- Tian, L. and Ahmadi, G., On Nano-Ellipsoid Transport and Deposition in the Lung First Bifurcation-Effect of Slip Correction, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 138, pp. 101101-1-14 (2016).
- Afshar, H., Shams, M., Nainian, S.M.M., and Ahmadi, G., Effect of Dispersed Nanoparticles on Thermophysical Properties of Nanofluid and Heat Transfer Coefficients, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 9, pp. 165-171 (2016).
- Asharfi, M., Shams, M., Bozorgnezhad, A., and Ahmadi, G., Simulation and Experimental Validation of Droplet Dynamics in Microchannels of PEM Fuel Cells, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. pp. 1-16, doi:10.1007/s00231-016-1771-z (2016).
- Saidi, M., Basirat Tabrizi, H., Ahmadi, G., Grace, J.R., and Iim Lim, C., Hydrodynamics of Pulsed Spouted Beds: Effects of Pulsation Waveform, Amplitude and Frequency, Drying Technology, An International Journal, Vol. 34, pp. 1546-1557 (2016).
- Rashid, S., Bovand, M., Ahmadi, G., and Esfahani, J.A., Effects of Trap and Reflect Particle Boundary Conditions on Particle Transport and Convective Heat Transfer for Duct Flow - A Two-Way Coupling of Eulerian-Lagrangian Model, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol 108, pp. 368-377 (2016).
- Safaei, M.R., Ahmadi, G., Goodarzi, M.S., Kamyar, A., and Kazi, S.N., Boundary Layer Flow and Heat Transfer of FMWCNT/Water Nanofluids over a Flat Plate, Fluids, Vol. 1, 31, doi: 10.3390/fluids1040031, pp. 1-13 (2016). - Fattahi, M., Hosseini, S.H., and Ahmadi, G., CFD Simulation of Transient Gas to Particle Heat Transfer for Fluidized and Spouted Regimes, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 105, pp. 385-396 (2016).
- Tavan, Y., Hosseini, S.H., and Ahmadi, G., Toward Energy Key Indicators in Ethane Sweetening Process, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 107, pp. 880-887 (2016).
- Bahmanzadeh, H., Abouali, O., and Ahmadi, G., Unsteady Particle Tracking of Micro-Particle Deposition in the Human Nasal Cavity under Cyclic Inspiratory Flow, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 101, pp. 86-103 (2016).
- Setarehshenas, N., Hosseini, S.H., Nasr Esfahany, M., and Ahmadi, G., Impacts of Solid-Phase Wall Boundary Condition on CFD Simulation of Conical Spouted Beds Containing Heavy Zirconia Particles, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Vol. 64, pp. 146-156 (2016).
- Hosseini, S.H., Shokry, E., Ahmadian Hosseini, A.J., Ahmadi, G., and Calautit, J.K., Evaluation of Airflow and Thermal Comfort in Buildings Ventilated With Wind Catchers: Simulation of Conditions in Yazd City, Iran, Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 35, pp. 7-24 (2016).
- Shanley, K.T., Ahmadi, G., Hopke, P.K., and Cheng, Y-S., Simulated Airflow and Rigid Fiber Behavior in A Realistic Nasal Airway Model, Particulate Science and Technology, Vol. xx, pp. 1-10 (2016).
- Bozorgnezhad, A., Shams, M., Kanani, H., Hasheminasab, M. and Ahmadi, G., Two-Phase Flow and Droplet Behavior in Microchannels of PEM Fuel Cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 41, pp. 19164-19181 (2016).
- Sajjadi, H., Salmanzadeh, M., Ahmadi, G., and Jafari, S., Lattice Boltzmann Method and RANS Approach for Simulation of Turbulent Flows and Particle Transport and Deposition, Particuology, Vol., pp. (2016).
- Talebizadeh, P., Rahimzadeh, H., Ahmadi, G., Brown, R., and Inthavong, K., Time History of Diesel Particle Deposition in Cylindrical Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactors, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. 18:378, pp. 1-13 (2016) DOI 10.1007/s11051-016-3667-8.
- Talebizadeh, P., Rahimzadeh, H., and Ahmadi, G., Study of the Thermophoresis Effect on the Deposition of Nano- Particles from Diesel Engine Exhaust after the Dilution Tunnel, Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 16, pp. 383-390 (2016) (in Persian).
- Talebizadeh, P., Rahimzadeh, H., and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Investigation of Nano-Particle Dispersion and Deposition in Fully Developed Laminar Pipe Flows, Amirkabir Journal of Science and Research - Mechanical Engineering, Vol., pp. (2016) (in Persian).
- Tavakol, M.M., Abouali, O., Yaghoubi, M. and Ahmadi, G., Stochastic Dispersion of Ellipsoidal Fibers in Various Turbulent Fields, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 80, pp. 27-44 (2015).
- Jafari, M., Mansoori, Z, Saffar-Avval, M., and Ahmadi, G., The Effects of Wall Roughness on Erosion Rate in Gas-Solid Turbulent Annular Pipe Flow, Powder Technology, Vol. 271, pp. 248-254 (2015).
- Behzad, F., Helenbrook, B., and Ahmadi, G. On the Sensitivity and Accuracy of Proper-Orthogonal-Decomposition-Based Reduced Order Models for Burgers Equation, Computer and Fluids, Vol. 106, pp. 19-32(2015)
- Bozorgnezhad, A., Shams, M., Kanani, H., Hasheminasab, M.R., and Ahmadi, G., The Experimental Study of Water Management in the Cathode Channel Of Single-Serpentine Transparent Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell by Direct Visualization, J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 40, pp. 2808-2832 (2015).
- Togun, H., Ahmadi, G., Abdulrazzaq, T., Shkarah, A.J., Kazi, S.N., Badarudin, A, and Safaei, Thermal Performance of Nanofluid in Ducts with Double Forward-Facing Steps, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Vol. 47, pp. 28-42 (2015).
- Amiri, A., Sadri, R., Shanbedi, M., Ahmadi, G., Chew, B.T., Kazi, S.N., and Dahari, M., Performance Dependence of Thermosyphon on the Functionalization Approaches: An Experimental Study on Thermo-Physical Properties of Graphene Nanoplatelet-Based Water Nanofluids, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 92, pp. 322-330 (2015).
- Amiri, A., Sadri, R., Ahmadi, G., Chew, B.T., Kazi, S.N., Shanbedi, M., and Sadat Alehashemd, M., Synthesis of Polyethylene Glycol-Functionalized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Microwave-Assisted Approach for Improved Heat Dissipation, RSC Advances, Vol. 5, pp. 35425-35434 (2015).
- Hosseini, S.H., Fattahi, M., and Ahmadi, G., Hydrodynamics Studies of a Pseudo 2D Rectangular Spouted Bed by CFD, Powder Technology, Vol. 279, pp. 301-309(2015).
- Bahmanzadeh, H., Abouali, O., Faramarzi, A., and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Simulation of Airflow and Micro-Particle Deposition in Human Nasal Airway Pre- and Post-Virtual Sphenoidotomy Surgery, Computer in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 61, pp. 8-18 (2015).
- Tavakol, M.M., Abouali, O., Yaghoubi, M. and Ahmadi, G., Dispersion and Deposition of Ellipsoidal Particles in a Fully Developed Laminar Pipe Flow Using Non-Creeping Formulations for Hydrodynamic Forces and Torques, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 75, pp. 54-67 (2015).
- Yarmand, H., Gharehkhani, S., Ahmadi, G., Seyed Shirazi, S.F. Baradaran, S., Montazer, E., Mohd Zubir, M.N., Sadat Alehashem, M, Kazi, S.N., and Dahari, M., Graphene Nanoplatelets–Silver Hybrid Nanofluids for Enhanced Heat Transfer, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 100, pp. 419-428 (2015).
- Roman, A., and Ahmadi, G., Computational Study of Fluid Flow through an Idealized Fracture under Confining Stresses, Journal of Porous Media, Vol. 18, pp. 493-506 (2015).,65c04e4f762
- Roman, A., and Ahmadi, G., Computational Modeling of Fluid Flow through a Fractured Media under Overburden Pressures, Journal of Petroleum Engineering, Vol. 5, pp. 25-43 (2015).
- Amiri, A., Sadri, R., Shanbedi, M., Ahmadi, G., Kazi, S.N., Chew, B.T., Nashrul , M., and Zubir, M., Synthesis of Ethylene Glycol-Treated Graphene Nanoplatelets with One-Pot, Microwave-Assisted Functionalization for Use as a High Performance Engine Coolant, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 92, pp. 322-330 (2015).
- Talebizadeh, P., Babaie, M., Kenny, E., Rahimzadeh, H., Inthavong, K., Ahmadi, G., and Brown, R., Influence of Pipe Length and Flow Rate on Nano-Particle Deposition in Laminar Circular Pipe Flows, International Journal of Energy and Environment, Vol. 6, pp. 357-366 (2015).
- Tavakol, M.M., Abouali, O., Yaghoubi, M. and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Simulation of Wave Propagation in a Realistic Model of the Human External Ear, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 18, pp. 1797–1810 (2015).
- Goldasteh, I., Ahmadi, G., and Ferro, A., Particle Detachment from Rough Surfaces in Turbulent Flows: An Analytical Expression for Resuspension Fraction, Journal of Particulate Science and Technology, Vol. 22, pp. 539-545 (2015).
- Amiri, A., Sadri, R., Shanbedi, M., Ahmadi, G., Kazi, S.N., Chew, B.T., Nashrul , M., and Zubir, M., Microwave-Assisted Direct Coupling of Graphene Nanoplatelets with Poly Ethylene Glycol and 4-Phenylazophenol Molecules for Preparing Stable-Colloidal System,
- Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 487, pp. 131-141 (2015).
- Talebizadeh, P., Rahimzadeh, H., Babaie, M., Javadi Anaghizi, S., Ghomi, H., Ahmadi, G., and Brown, R., Evaluation of Residence Time on Nitrogen Oxides Removal in Non-Thermal Plasma Reactor, PLOS ONE, DOI:10.1371, journal pone 0140897, pp. 1-16 (2015).
- Fadaei, M., Abouali, O., Emdad, H., Faramarzi, M., and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Simulation of Wave Propagation in a Realistic Model of the Human External Ear, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 18, pp. 1797–1810 (2015).
- Amiri, A., Ahmadi, G., Shanbedi, M., Savari, M., Kazi, S.N., and Chew, B.T., Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Highly-Crumpled, Few-Layered Graphene and Nitrogen-Doped Graphene for Use as High-Performance Electrodes in Capacitive Deionization,Scientific Report, Vol. 5, 17503; doi: 10.1038/srep17503 (2015).
- Daemi, N., Gibert, J., Yuya, P., and Ahmadi, G., On Generalized Rolling of Golf Balls Considering an Offset Center of Mass and Rolling Resistance: A Study of Putting, Sports Eng. (ISEA) DOI 10.1007/s12283-015-0186-2 (2015).
- Eftekharian, E. Abouali, O. and Ahmadi, G., An Improved Correlation for Pressure Drop in a Tunnel under Traffic Jam Using CFD. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Vol. 143, pp. 34–41 (2015).
- Saidi, M., Basirat Tabrizi, H., Grace, J.R., and Ahmadi, G., Hydrodynamic and Mixing Characteristics of Gas−Solid Flow in a Pulsed Spouted Bed, Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research, Vol. 54, pp.7933−7941(2015).
- Moshfegh, A., Ahmadi, G., and Jabbarzadeh, A., Thermostatic and Rheological Responses of DPD Fluid to Extreme Shear under Modified Lees-Edwards Boundary Condition, The European Physical Journal E, Vol. 38(12), pp. 1-12 (2015).
- Goodarzi, M., Safaei, M.R., Vafai, K., Ahmadi, G., Dahari, M., Kazi, S.N., and Jomhari, N., Investigation of Nanofluid Mixed Convection in a Shallow Cavity Using a Two-phase Mixture Model, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 75, pp. 204-220 (2014).
- Alavinasab, A., Jha, R., and Ahmadi, G., Modeling of Carbon Nanotube Composites Based on Nonlocal Elasticity Approach, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics Vol. 15, pp. 17-25 (2014).
- Ghahramani, E., Abouali, O., Emdad, H., and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Dispersion of Micro-Particles in Turbulent Flows in A Realistic Model of Human Nasal/Upper Airway, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 67, pp. 188-206. (2014).
- Moslemi, A. and Ahmadi, G., Study of Hydraulic Performance of Drill Bits Using a Numerical Particle Tracking, SPE Drilling & Completion, SPE 169812, pp. 1-8. (2014).
- Kashefi, A., Mahdinia, M., Firoozabadi, B., Amirkhosravi, M., Ahmadi, G. and Saidi, M.S., Multidimensional Modeling of the Stenosed Carotid Artery: A Novel CAD Approach Accompanied by an Extensive Lumped Model, Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol. 30, pp. 259-273 (2014).
- Goldasteh, I., Ahmadi, G., and Ferro, A., Human Induced Flow field and Resultant Particle Resuspension and Transport During Gait Cycle, Building and Environment, Vol. 77, pp. 101-109 (2014).
- Sadri, R., Ahmadi, G., Togun, H., Dahari, M.B., Kazi, S.N., Sadeghinezhad, E. and Zubir, N., An Experimental Study on Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity of Nanofluids Containing Carbon Nanotubes, Nanoscale Research Letter, Vol. 9/151, pp. 1-16 (2014).
- Modarreszadeh, A., Abouali, O., Ghaffarieh, A., and Ahmadi, G., Physiology of Aqueous Humor Dynamic in the Anterior Chamber due to Rapid Eye Movement, Physiology and Behavior, Vol. 135, pp. 112–118 (2014).
- Naseri. A., Abouali, O. Farhadi Ghalati, P. and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Investigation of Regional Particle Deposition in the Upper Airway of a Standing Male Mannequin in Calm Air Surroundings, Computer in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 52, pp. 73-81 (2014).
- Eftekharian, E., Dastan, A., Abouali, O., Meigolinedjad, J. and Ahmadi, G., A Numerical Investigation into the Performance of Two Types of Jet Fans in Ventilation of an Urban Tunnel under Traffic Jam Condition, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 44, pp. 56-67 (2014).
- Rahmanian, B., Safaei, M.R., Kazi, S.N., Ahmadi, G., Oztop, H.F.., and Vafai, K., Investigation of Pollutant Reduction by Simulation of Turbulent Non-Premixed Pulverized Coal Combustion, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 73, pp. 1220-1233 (2014).
- Dastan, A., Abouali, O., and Ahmadi, G., CFD Simulation of Total and Regional Fiber Deposition in Human Nasal Cavities, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 69, pp. 132-149 (2014).
- Faramarzi, A., Baradaranfar, M.H., Abouali, O., Atighechi,S., Ahmadi, G., Farhadi, P., Keshavarzian, E., Behniafard, N., and Baradaranfar, A., Numerical Investigation of the Flow Field in Realistic Nasal Septal Perforation Geometry, Allergy and Rhinology, Vol. 5, pp. e70-e77 (2014).
- Andarwa, M., Basirat Tabrizi, H., and Ahmadi, G., Effect of Correcting Near-Wall Forces on Nanoparticle Transport in a Microchannel, Particuology, Vol. 16, pp. 84-90 (2014).
- Yazdani A., Normandie M., Yousefi M., Saidi M.S., and Ahmadi G., Transport and Deposition of Pharmaceutical Particles in Three Commercial Spacer–MDI Combinations, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 54, pp. 145–155 (2014).
- Jafari, M., Mansoori, Z, Saffar-Avval, M., Ahmadi, G., and Ebadi, A., Modeling and Numerical Investigation of Erosion Rate for Turbulent Two-Phase Gas–Solid Flow in Horizontal Pipes, Powder Technology, Vol. 267, pp. 362–370 (2014).
- Qian, J., Tavakoli, B., Goldasteh, I, Ahmadi, G., and Ferro, A.R., Building Removal of Particulate Pollutant Plume during Outdoor Resuspension Event, Building and Environment, Vol. 75, pp. 161-169 (2014).
- Fadaei, M., Abouali, O., Emdada, H., Faramarzi, M., and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Simulation of Wave Propagation in a Realistic Model of the Human External Ear, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, DOI:10.1080/10255842.2014.974578, pp. 1-14 (2014).
- Saadabadi, S., Abouali, O., Imadad, H., and Ahmadi, G., Investigation of the Effect of Nozzle Shape on Supersonic/Hypersonic Impactors Designed For Size Discrimination of Nanoparticles, Particuology, Vol. 16, pp. 60–68 (2014).
- Hosseini, S.H., Ahmadi, G., and Olazar, M., CFD Study of Particle Velocity Profiles Inside a Draft Tube in a Cylindrical Spouted Bed With Conical Base, Journal of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Vol. 45, pp. 2140-2149 (2014).
- Esfahanian, V., Ansari, A.B., Bahramian, H., Kheirkhah, P., and Ahmadi, G., Design Parameters Study on the Performance of Lead-Acid Batteries, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 28, pp. 2221-2229 (2014).
- Barati, R., Salehi Neyshabouri, S.A.A., and Ahmadi, G., Development of Empirical Models with High Accuracy for Estimation of Drag Coefficient of Flow around a Smooth Sphere: An Evolutionary Approach, Powder Technology, Vol. 257, pp. 11-19 (2014).
- Tian, L. and Ahmadi, G., Fiber Transport and Deposition in Human Upper Tracheobronchial Airways, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 60, pp. 1-20 (2013).
- Jia, X., McLaughlin,J.B., Derksen, J., and Ahmadi, G., Simulation of a Mannequin’s Thermal Plume in a Small Room, Computers and Mathematics with Application., Vol. 65, pp. 287-295 (2013).
- Coffin, P., Ahmadi, G., Jha, R. and Marzocca, P., Deployment Dynamics of a Rolled Micro Air Vehicle Wing, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 50, pp. 130-139 (2013).
- Rahimi, M.R., Azizi, N., Hosseini, S.H., and Ahmadi, G., CFD Study of Hydrodynamics Behavior of a Vibrating Fluidized Bed Using Kinetic-Frictional Stress Model of Granular Flow, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 30, pp. 761-770 (2013).
- Hassan, M., Sadri, R., Ahmadi, G., Dahari, M.B., Kazi, S.N., Safaei, M.R., and Sadeghinezhad, E., Numerical Study of Entropy Generation in a Flowing Nanofluid Used in Micro- and Minichannels, Entropy, Vol. 15, pp. 144-155 (2013).
- Nazridoust, K., Ahmadi, G., Liu, C., Ferro, A.R., McAuley, T.R., Jaques, P.A., and Hopke, P.K., Distribution of Nanoparticles near a Major U.S. and Canada Trade Bridge: Comparison of Simulations with Field Data, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 13, pp. 3-12 (2013).
- Sajadi, B., Saidi, M.H., Ahmadi, G., Kenney, S.M., and Taylor, J., On the Induced Airflow and Particle Resuspension Due a Falling Disk, Particulate Science and Technology, Vol. 31, pp. 190-198 (2013).
- Rahimi, M.R., Azizi, N., Hosseini, S.H., and Ahmadi, G., CFD Simulation of Cylindrical Spouted Beds by the Kinetic Theory of Granular Flow, Journal of Powder Technology, Vol. 246, pp. 303-316 (2013).
- Majlesara, M., Salmanzadeh, M., and Ahmadi, G., A Model for Particles Deposition in Turbulent Inclined Channels, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 64, pp. 37-47 (2013).
- Ehtram, M.A., Basirat Tabrizi, H., Ahmadi, G., Safari, M., and Agha Mirsalim, M., Investigation of Fine Droplet Generation from Hot Engine Oil by Impinging Gas Jets onto Liquid Surface, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 65, pp. 49-57 (2013).
- Mahdavimanesh, M., Noghrehabadi, A.R., Behbahaninejad, M., Ahmadi, G. and Dehghanian, M., Lagrangian Particle Tracking: Model Development, Life Science Journal, Vol. 10, pp. 34-42 (2013).
- Mahdavimanesh, M., Noghrehabadi, A.R., Behbahaninejad, M., Ahmadi, G. Nirooei, M.H. and Etminan, A., Diffusion of Nano Particles in Viscous Sub-layer, Life Science Journal, Vol. 10, pp. 105-109 (2013).
- Goldasteh, I., Ahmadi, G., and Ferro, A., Monte Carlo Simulation of Micron Size Spherical Particle Removal and Resuspension from Substrate under Fluid Flow. Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 66, pp. 62-71 (2013).
- Esfahanian, V., Salavatipour, , A., Harsini, I., Haghani, A., Pasandeh, R., Shahbazi, A., and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Analysis of Flow Field around NREL Phase II Wind Turbine by a Hybrid CFD/BEM Method, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 120, pp. 29-36 (2013).
- Shafeie, H., Abouali,O., Jafarpur, K., and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Study of Heat Transfer Performance of Single-Phase Heat Sinks with Micro Pin-Fins Structures, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 58, pp. 68-76 (2013).
- Ghodsi, S.R., Esfahanian, V., Shamsodini, R., Ghodsi, S.M., and Ahmadi, G., Blood Flow Vectoring Control in Aortic Arch Using Full and Partial Clamps, Computer in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 43, pp. 1134-1141 (2013).
- Bahramian, A., Olazar, M. and Ahmadi, G. Effect of Slip Boundary Conditions on the Simulation of Micro-particle Velocity Fields in a Conical Fluidized Bed, AIChE Vol. 59, pp. 4502-4518 (2013).
- Goldasteh, I., Ahmadi, G., and Ferro, A., Wind Tunnel Study and Numerical Simulation of Dust Particle Resuspension from Indoor Surfaces in Turbulent Flows, Journal of Adhesion, Vol. 27, pp. 1563-1579 (2013).
Afshar, H., Shams, M., Nainian, S.M.M., and Ahmadi, G., Two-Phase Study of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Gas-Solid Flows (Nanofluids), Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 110-116, pp. 3878-3882 (2012).
- Salmanzadeh, M., Ahmadi, G., and Rahnama, M., Transport and Deposition of Evaporating Droplets in a Ventilated Environment, Particulate Science and Technology, Vol. 30, pp. 17–31 (2012).
- Ehtram, M.A., Basirat Tabrizi, H., Mesbah, M., Ahmadi, G., and Agha Mirsalimi, M., Experimental study on the effect of connecting ducts on demisting cyclone efficiency, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 39, pp. 26-36 (2012).
- Jalaal, M., Ganji, D.D., and Ahmadi, G., An Analytical Study on Settling of Non-Spherical Particles, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 63-72 (2012).
- Saeedi Vahdat, A., Rezazadeh, Gh., and Ahmadi, G., Thermoelastic Damping in a Micro-Beam Resonator Tunable with Piezoelectric Layers, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, Vol. 25, pp. 73–81 (2012).
- Salmanzadeh, M., Zahedi, Gh., Ahmadi, G., Marr, D., and Glauser, M., Effect of Thermal Plume Adjacent to the Body on the Movement of Indoor Air Aerosol Particles, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 53, pp. 29–39 (2012).
- Abouali, O., Erfan Keshavarzian, E., Farhadi Ghalati, P., Faramarzi, A., Ahmadi, G., and Hadi Bagheri, M., Micro and Nanoparticle Deposition in Human Nasal Passage Pre and Post Virtual Maxillary Sinus Endoscopic Surgery, Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, Vol. 181, pp.335-345. (2012).
- Abouali, O. and Ahmadi, G., Computer Simulations of Natural Convection of Single Phase Nanofluids in Simple Enclosures: A Critical Review, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 36, pp. 1-13 (2012).
- Hosseini, S.H., Shojaee, S, Ahmadi, G., and Zivdar, M., Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies of Dry and Wet Pressure Drops in Structured Packings, Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, Vol.18, pp. 1465–1473 (2012).
- Modareszadeh, A., Abouali, O., Ghaffarieh, A., and Ahmadi, G., Saccade Movements Effect on the Intravitreal Drug Delivery in Vitreous Substitutes: A Numerical Study, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Published Online (Springer), 12 May (2012). DOI 10.1007/s10237-012-0398-3.
- Tian, L. and Ahmadi, G., Transport and Deposition of Micro- and Nano-Particles in Human Tracheobronchial Tree by an Asymmetric Multi-Level Bifurcation Model, Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, Vol.4, pp. 159-182 (2012).
- Bagheri, G.H., Salmanzadeh, M., Golkarfard, V., and Ahmadi G., Simulation of Solid Particles Behavior in a Heated Cavity at High Rayleigh Numbers, Aerosol Science and Technology Vol. 46, pp.1382-1293 (2012).
- Goldasteh, I., Ahmadi, G., and Ferro, A., A Model for Removal of Compact, Rough, Irregularly Shaped Particles from Surfaces in Turbulent Flows, Journal of Adhesion, Vol. 88, pp. 766-786 (2012).
- Zhang, X. and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Simulations of Liquid-Gas-Solid Three-Phase Flows in Microgravity, Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, Vol. 4, pp. 41-63 (2012).
- Roman, A., Ahmadi, G., Issen, K.A., and Smith, D.H., Permeability of Fractured Media under Confining Pressure: A Simplified Model, The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, Vol. 5, pp. 36-41 (2012).
- Azizi, S., Mowla, D., and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Evaluation of Turbulence Models for Dense to Dilute Gas–Solid Flows in Vertical Conveyor, Particuology, Vol. 10, pp. 553– 561 (2012).
- Guran, A. and Ahmadi, G., An Enhanced Numerical Solution of the Lorenz System By Means of the Differential Quadrature Method, Applied Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics, Vol. 17, pp. 18-34 (2012).
- Tavakoli, B., Abouali, O., Bagheri, M.H., Yazdi, M., and Ahmadi, G., Micro-particles Transport and Deposition in Realistic Geometry of Human upper Airways, International Journal of Engineering, Transaction A, Vol. 4, pp.315-322 (2012).
- Zhang, X. and Ahmadi, G., Effects of Electrostatic and Capillary Forces and Surface Deformation on Particle Detachment in Turbulent Flows, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 25, pp. 1175-1210 (2011).
- Ferer, M., Crandall, D., Ahmadi, G., and Smith, D.H., Two-phase flow in a rough fracture: Experiment and modeling, Physical Review E, Vol. 84, pp. 016316-1-8 (2011).
- Moghadas, H., Abouali, O., Faramarzi, A., and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Investigation of Septal Deviation Effect on Deposition of Nano/Microparticles in Human Nasal Passage, Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, Vol. 177, pp. 9-18 (2011).
- Rafati Salehi, A., Hosseini, S. H., Shojaee, S., and Ahmadi, G., CFD Studies of Pressure Drop and Increasing Capacity in MellapakPlus 752.Y Structured Packing, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 44, pp. 1402-1412 (2011).
- Abouali, O., Bayatpour, D., Ghaffariyeh, A., and Ahmadi, G., Simulation of Flow Field during Irrigation/Aspiration in Phacoemulsification Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, J. Cataract Refractive Surgery, Vol. 37, pp.1530-1538 (2011).
- Alvandifar. N., Akbar. M., Mansoori, Z, Saffar-Avval, M., and Ahmadi, G., Turbulence Modulation for Gas - Particle Flows in Vertical and Horizontal Channels Using an Eulerian–Lagrangian Approach, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 22, pp. 826-833 (2011).
- Shojaee, S, Hosseini, S.H., Rafati Saleh, A., and Ahmadi, G., Prediction of Effective Area in Structured Packings by CFD, IE&C Research, Vol. 50, pp. 10833–10842 (2011).
- Dehestani, M., Vafai, A and Mofid, M., and Ahmadi, G., On the Dynamic Response of a Half-Space Subjected to a Moving Mass, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, DOI: 0.1177/1081286511420899, pp.1-19 (2011).
- Ahangar, S., Rezazadeh, Gh., Shabani, R., Ahmadi, G., and Toloei, A., On the stability of a Microbeam Conveying Fluid Considering Modified Couple Stress Theory, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, Vol. 7, pp. 27–342 (2011).
- Coffin, P., Ahmadi, G., Jha, R., and Marzocca, P., Experimental In-Flight Rolling MAV Wing Deployment and Aerodynamic Characterization, SAE International Journal of Aerospace, Vol. 4, pp. 1106-1114 (2011).
- Behzad, F., Mansoori, Z, Saffar-Avval, M., Basirat Tabrizi, H., and Ahmadi, G. Thermal Stochastic Collision Model in Turbulent Gas-Solid Pipe Flows, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53 pp. 1175-1182 (2010).
- Azizi, S., Hosseini, S.H., Ahmadi, G., and Moraveji, M., Numerical Simulation of Particles Segregation in Bubbling Gas-Fluidized Beds, Chemical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 33, pp. 421-432 (2010).
- Crandall, D., Ahmadi, G., and Smith, D.H., Computational Modeling of Fluid Flow through a Fracture in Permeable Rock, Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 84, pp. 493-510 (2010).
- Jafari, S., Salmanzadeh, M., Rahnama, M., and Ahmadi, G., Investigation of Particle Dispersion and Deposition in a Channel with a Square Cylinder Obstruction Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 41, pp.198-206 (2010).
- Hosseini, S.H., Ahmadi, G., Rahimi, R., Zivdar, M. and Nasr Esfahany, M., CFD Studies of Solid Hold-up Distribution and Circulation Pattern in Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds, Powder Technology, Vol. 200, 202-215 (2010).
- Jalaal, M., Esmaeilzadeh, E, and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Investigation on Effect of Tip Angle on Settling of a Conical Shape Particle, Journal of Numerical Simulations, Vol. 2, 63-77 (2010).
- Moshfegh, A., Shams, M., Ahmadi, G., and Ebrahimi, R., A New Expression for Spherical Aerosol Drag in Slip Flow Regime, J. Aerosol Science, Vol. 31, pp. 384-400 (2010).
- Hamzehei, M., Rahimzadeh, H., and Ahmadi, G., Computational and Experimental Study of Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamics in a 2D Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed Reactor, Industrial Engineering and Chemical Research, Vol. 49, pp. 5110–5121 (2010).
- Rafee, R., Rahimzadeh, H., and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Simulations of Airflow and Droplet Transport in a Wave-plate Mist Eliminator, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Vol. 88, pp. 1393-1404 (2010).
- Jalaal, M., Ganji, D.D. and Ahmadi, G., Analytical Investigation on Acceleration Motion of a Vertically Falling Spherical Particle in Incompressible Newtonian Media, Advanced Powder Technology, Vol. 21, pp. 298-304 (2010).
- Hamzehei, M., Rahimzadeh, H., and Ahmadi, G., Studies of Gas Velocity and Particles Size Effects on Fluidized Bed Hydrodynamics with CFD Modeling and Experimental Investigation, Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 26, pp. 267-278 (2010).
- Salmanzadeh, M., Rahnama, M., and Ahmadi, G., Effect of Sub-Grid Scales on Large Eddy Simulation of Particle Deposition in a Turbulent Channel Flow, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 44, pp.796-806 (2010).
- Azizi, S., Hosseini, S.H., Moraveji, M., and Ahmadi, G., CFD Modeling of a Spouted Bed Hydrodynamics with a Porous Draft Tube, Particuology, Vol. 8, pp. 415–424 (2010)
- Ghassemi, M., Shahidian, A., Ahmadi, G., and Hamian, S., A New Effective Thermal Conductivity Model for a Bio-Nanofluid (Blood with Nanoparticle Al2O3), International Communication in Hear and Mass Transfer, Vol. 88, pp. 1393–1404 (2010).
- Hosseini, S. H., Ahmadi, G., Saeedi Razavi, B. and Zhong, W., Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation of Hydrodynamic Behavior in a Two-Dimensional Conical Spouted Bed, Energy & Fuels, Vol. 24, pp. 6086–6098 (2010).
- Dadfar, R., Firoozabadi, B., and Ahmadi, G., Effect of Different Configurations on 3-D Analysis of Flow through Stay Vanes and Guide Vanes of Francis Turbine, Scientia Iranica, Vol. 17, pp. 418-432 (2010).
- Marzbanrad, J., and Ahmadi, G., Hybrid Preview Control of Structures under Earthquake Excitations, Asian J. Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, pp. 57-78 (2009).
- Crandall, D., Ahmadi, G., Ferer, M., and Smith, D.H., Distribution and Occurrence of Localized-Bursts in Two-Phase Flow through Porous Media, Physica A, Vol. 388, pp. 574_584 (2009).
- Inthavong, K., Tu, J., and Ahmadi, G., Computational Modelling of Gas-Particle Flows with Different Particle Morphology in the Human Nasal Cavity, J. Computational Multiphase Flows, Vol. 1, pp. 57-82 (2009).
- Abouali, O., Nikbakht, A., Ahmadi, G., and Saadabadi, S., Three-Dimensional Simulation of Brownian Motion of Nano-Particles in Aerodynamic Lenses, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 43, pp. 205-215 (2009).
- Moshfegh, A., Shams, M., Ahmadi, G., and Ebrahimi, R., A Novel Surface-Slip Correction for Microparticles Motion, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 345, pp. 112–120 (2009).
- Esfahanian, V., Mahmoodi Darian, H., Babazadeh, H., Aghvami, M., Pasandeh, R., Torabi, F., and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Simulation of Electrolyte Particles Trajectory to Investigate Battery Cover Design Characteristics, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 191, pp. 139-143 (2009).
- Nasr, H., Ahmadi, G. and McLaughlin, J.B., A DNS Study of Effects of Particle–Particle Collisions and Two-Way Coupling on Particle Deposition and Phasic Fluctuations, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 640, pp. 507–536 (2009).
- Asadi, B., Saidi, M. H., Taeibi-Rahni M., and Ahmadi, G., Computational Simulation of Hydrodynamic Convection in Rising Bubble under Microgravity Condition, International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, Vol. 22, pp. 295-305 (2009).
- Afshar, H., Shams, M., Nainian, S.M.M., and Ahmadi, G., Microchannel Heat Transfer and Dispersion of Nanoparticles in Slip Flow Regime with Constant Heat Flux, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 36, pp. 1060-1066 (2009).
- Saidi, M. H., Taeibi-Rahni M., Asadi, B., and Ahmadi, G., Computational Simulation of Marangoni Convection under Microgravity Condition, Scientia Iranica, Transcation B: Mechanical Engineering Vol 16, 513-524 (2009).
- Crandall, D., Ahmadi, G., and Smith, D.H., Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Two-Phase Flows in a Porous Micro-Model, J. Computational Multiphase Flows, Vol. 1, pp. 325-340 (2009).
- Shahidian, A., Ghassemi, M., Khorasanizade, S., Abdollahzade, M., and Ahmadi, G., Flow Analysis of Non-Newtonian Blood in a Magnetohydrodynamic Pump, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 45, pp. 2667–2670 (2009).
- Razmi, A., Firoozabadi, B., and Ahmadi, G., Experimental and Numerical Approach to Enlargement of Performance of Primary Settling Tanks, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 2, pp. 1-12 (2009).
- Mousavi Belfeh-Teymouri, B., and Ahmadi, G., Identification of the Near Wall Collapsing Bubble Jet Using and opposite Secondary Wall, Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Vol. 3, pp. 207-218 (2008).
- Tamayol, A., Firoozabadi, F. and Ahmadi, G., Effects of Inlet Position and Baffle Configuration on Hydraulic Performance of Primary Settling Tanks, ASCE Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 134, pp. 1004-1009 (2008).
- Tamayol, A., Firoozabadi, F. and Ahmadi, G., Determination of Settling Tank Performance using and Eulerian-Lagrangian Method, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 1, pp. 43-54 (2008).
- Crandall, D., Ahmadi, G., Leonard, D., Ferer, M., and Smith, D.H., A New Stereolithography Experimental Porous Flow Device, Review of Scientific Instrumentation, Vol. 79, pp. 044501-1-6 (2008).
- Alavinasab, A., Jha, R., Ahmadi, G., Cetinkaya, C. and Sokolov, I., Computational Modeling of Nano-Structured Glass Fibers, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 44, 622-627 (2008).
- Sahebnasagh, M.R., Esfahanian, V., Gitipour, S., Ahmadi, G., and Ashrafi, K., Simulation of Plume Patterns Associated with Different Atmospheric Temperature Profiles, Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 20, pp. 6551-6564 (2008).
- Nasrollahi, A., Salehi Neyshabouri, S.A.A., Ahmadi, G., and Namin, M.M., Numerical Simulation of Particle Saltation Process, Particulate Science and Technology, Vol. 26, pp. 529-550 (2008).
- Rostami, M., Ardeshir, A., Ahmadi, G. and Thomas, P.G., On the Effect of Gravitational and Hydrodynamic Forces on Particle Motion in a Quiescent Fluid at High Particle Reynolds Numbers, Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol. 86, pp. 791-799 (2008).
- Shanley, K.T., Zamankhan, P., Ahmadi, G., Hopke, P.K., and Cheng, Y-S., Numerical Simulations Investigating the Regional and Overall Deposition Efficiency of the Human Nasal Cavity, Inhalation Toxicology, Vol. 20, pp. 1093-1100 (2008).
- Shams, M., Ahmadi, G. and Smith, D.H., Sensitivity of Flow and Sediment Transport in Meandering Rivers to Scale Effects and Flow Rate, Environmental Engineering Science, Vol. 25, pp. 747-756 (2008).
- Wang, Z., Hopke, P., Ahmadi, G., Cheng, Y-S., Deye, G., and Baron, P., Fibrous Particle Deposition in Human Nasal Passage: The Influence of Particle Length, Flow Rate, and Geometry of Nasal Airway, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 39, pp. 1040-1054 (2008).
- Sadathosseini, S.H., Mousaviraad, S.M., Firoozabadi, B., Ahmadi, G., Numerical Simulation of Free-Surface Waves and Wave Induced Separation, Scientia Iranica, Vo. 15, pp. 323-331 (2008).
- Mazaheri, A.R., Ahmadi, G., and Gamwo, I., Temperature Distribution in a Demonstration-Scale Filter Vessel With and Without Ash Bridging, Advanced Powder Technology, Vol. 19, pp. 101‑117 (2008).
- Zhang, X. Ahmadi, G., Qian, J. and Ferro, A. Particle Resuspension and Transport due to Human Walking in Indoor Environments, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 22, pp. 591-621 (2008).
Prior Year Publications